

Call for Papers ACGM 2015
Posted by: ITS Canada
December 18th, 2014


In this Call for Abstracts, we invite applicants to consider both aspects of our theme: “Collaborating for Better Connection” and “Smart Roads, Smart Cities, Smart Transport”.   We know that higher levels of integration and connectivity of today’s transportation systems, their operations, and the efficiency and safety of the services that they provide will be essential to ensure that Canada remains globally competitive.  The transition to this more complex world of an increasingly integrated and connected environment necessitates the bringing together of a wide number of system operators (e.g., federal, provincial, municipal governments; transportation agencies; domestic systems with connections across international boundaries). 

The adoption of “smart” technologies and devices that are in our vehicles, on our persons, in our offices and in our infrastructure means that there can be a whole new level of sophistication in ITS deployments.  Add in connected and automated vehicle technologies, ITS projects are now working to take advantage of the ubiquity of these devices and the Big Data and information they generate to develop many new solutions to address the challenges facing today’s world of transportation.

We are, therefore, looking for papers/presentations that provide advice, rationale and practical examples of both aspects of our theme to answer questions such as: How do we create the conditions for greater collaboration among all of the players in the transport system to achieve greater efficiencies?  What are the key elements that need to be connected to achieve Smart Roads and Smart Cities? Six main topic areas (outlined on the Application Form) are offered to guide applicants in framing their Abstract. The deadline for abstracts submission for our 18th Annual Conference and General Meeting is Monday, February 16, 2015