

SIGN UP TODAY for Transport Canada’s ITS Cyber Security Communities of Practice
Posted by: ITS Canada
November 8th, 2023
Transport Canada is establishing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Cyber Security Communities of Practice for leaders and technical practitioners of road authorities and road infrastructure owners or operators.
Road transportation technologies are changing quickly and maturing the cyber security posture of road authorities and road infrastructure operators is critical to ensure continued service to Canadians.
Transport Canada is currently planning two cyber security Communities of Practice (CoP):

1) Executive CoP: An executive community for leaders

2) Technical CoP: A technical community for cyber security practitioners, or anyone with cybersecurity responsibilities as part of their role

The CoP events will include:

a) Subject Matter Experts: guest speakers with hands on experience

b) Case Studies: analyze and discuss relevant cyber-attacks or cyber security initiatives

c) Industry Updates: guidance on the latest cyber security news and emerging practices

d) Roundtables: share advice or ask questions to discuss with your peers 

e) Tailored Content: any content the community feels would be valuable and adapted to members’ interests

Please use the form in the link below to sign up, or to request a short briefing with Transport Canada.
As this initiative is under development, you are not required to make any commitment at this time, and the purpose of the initial conversation centres on sharing details on the CoP and hearing what topics you would find useful for the communities to cover in their curriculum.
You may also be interested in some of the cyber security resources Transport Canada has developed for road authorities at Transport Canada’s Road Infrastructure Cyber Security web page
Please feel free to contact Transport Canada at, if you have any questions.